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French translation for "vox populi"

la voix populaire, opinion publique, le sentiment publique
Example Sentences:
1.As the saying goes , vox populi , vox dei.
comme le dit l'adage , vox populi , vox dei.
2.As the saying goes , vox populi , vox dei.
comme le dit l'adage , vox populi , vox dei.
3."Vox Populi, Vox Dei".
Vox populi, Vox Dei.
4.It is high time that this vox populi made himself heard more.
il est temps pour cette vox populi de se faire entendre avec force.
5."vox populi , vox dei" - even if the rules of procedure make no provision for that.
"vox populi , vox dei" , quand bien même le règlement ne le prévoit pas.
6.1968: "Vox Populi: Many Voices from a Single Community," The Architectural Forum, May, pp. 58–63.
1968 : « Vox Populi: Many Voices from a Single Community, " The Architectural Forum, mai, pp. 58-63.
7.On 6 November 1928 Jean Goulet conducted the premiere of Miro's cantata Vox populi, which was based on 14 French-Canadian themes, at the Monument-National.
Le 6 novembre 1928, Jean Goulet dirige au Monument national la cantate Vox Populi de Miro, basée sur quatorze thèmes canadiens-français.
8.Meanwhile in 1989, Grushin created the Service of studying of public opinion Vox Populi the first detached and completely private opinion center in the Soviet Union.
En 1989, Grouchine a créé le Service des études de l’opinion publique « Vox Populi », premier centre des sondages d’opinion privé et indépendant dans le pays.
9.Vox Populi is a multimedia documentary that consists of an archive of articles, images and videos that Baladi had been gathering since January 25, 2011.
Vox Populi est un documentaire multimédia qui se compose d‘ images et de vidéos qu'elle a collecté depuis le 25 janvier 2011. préservant ainsi le traces de moments éphémères.
10.Orleton based his sermon on the biblical text "Where there is no governor the people shall fall" from the Book of Proverbs, while the Archbishop of Canterbury took for his text Vox Populi, Vox Dei.
Orleton base son sermon sur le texte biblique Là où il n'y a pas de gouverneur, le peuple tombera tiré du Livre des Proverbes,,.
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